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۱۳۹۵ تیر ۹, چهارشنبه

European Parliament calls to put relationship with Iran under condition

More than 270 Members of the European Parliament call the EU and member states to condition further relations with Iran with regards to “a clear progress on human rights and a halt to executions.”
By Violetta Rusheva
Violetta Rusheva is a journalist at New Europe.

In a statement published today by the office of Gérard Deprez, a Belgian MEP and President of the Friends of a Free Iran group in the European Parliament, more than 270 MEPs call into question the democratic reforms in Iran.

“We are extremely worried about the rising number of executions in Iran. Since the ‘moderate’ President Rouhani took office in August 2013, several thousand people have been hanged in Iran. Moreover, in a public speech on Iranian television, President Rouhani described executions as a “good law” and “the law of God!” the statement says.

The MEPs urge the EU and member states “to condition any further relations with Iran” until progress on human rights improvements is reached there. Deprez, commenting on the letter from Brussels, added that “it will be a great damage to the European credibility, if EU does not insist publicly and seriously on improvement of human rights.”

“This statement as well as the support of MEPs of the Iranian opposition leader, Maryam Rajavi, shows that the elected representatives of the European people have rightly put human rights and democratic values before economic interests and ‘business as usual,” Firouz Mahvi, a representative of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran said.

Amnesty International in its report on Iran harshly condemned the situation with Human Rights in the country saying that: “torture and other ill-treatment of detainees remained common and was committed with impunity, whereas women and members of ethnic and religious minorities faced pervasive discrimination in law and in practice.”

VIDEO: Scene of public flogging in southern Iran city

NCRI - This is a video clip recently smuggled out of Iran which shows a man being flogged in public by the fundamentalist authorities.
The clip was filmed at Kouhpayeh Park in Shiraz, southern Iran.

VIDEO: Scene of public flogging in southern Iran city 

On May 25, the Iranian regime’s suppressive forces raided a party following a graduation ceremony in Qazvin, west of Tehran, and arrested 35 young men and women. On that same day, all of the arrestees were condemned by the judiciary to 99 lashes and the sentences were immediately carried out by “Moral Security Police”
On May 31, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights issued a statement saying: "We condemn the outrageous flogging of up to 35 young men and women in Iran last week, after they were caught holding a graduation party together in Qazvin, north of Tehran."

This Memorial Day Remember Victims of the Iran Regime

Memorial Day, which recognizes service personnel killed in the line of duty, originated from Decoration Day after the American Civil War in 1868 and formalized as a commemoration of all the men and women who died while serving.

Unlike Veterans Day, Memorial Day recognizes the greatest sacrifice made by those donning the uniform and making the ultimate sacrifice for the protection of their loved ones and the ideals and way of life embodied in America.

But for our purposes, Memorial Day is also an appropriate time to reflect on all those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for freedom, dignity and human rights at the hands of the mullahs of Tehran.

Since the takeover of the revolution in Iran in 1979, the mullahs and religious cohorts have placed a stranglehold on the Iranian people; enforcing their own nihilistic vision of Islamic law that imposes the most dreaded penalties for the slightest deviations from their reactionary thought.

But the mullahs were never simply content to violate every basic right of the people of Iran, they also wanted to extend their extremist vision of Islamic revolution throughout the world and most especially to their closet neighbors in order to create a kind of Islamic Warsaw Pact to shield the revolution from potential challenges.

From the crafting of its constitution to the construction of its judiciary and religious courts, the mullahs have sought to impose their will in virtually every part of Iranian life; from fashion and the economy to foreign policy and women’s rights.

As part of that zealotry, the mullahs have undertaken a militant foreign policy over the last 30 years that has spurred war, terrorism and death throughout most of the Middle East. They have done so through the supplying of proxies such as Hezbollah, their long-time terrorist ally, to Shiite militias and insurgents in Iraq to Houthi rebels in Yemen.

Most notably, Iran largest military commitment outside of the Iran-Iraq War has been its full-fledged participation in the Syrian civil war to keep the regime of Bashar al-Assad firmly in control no matter the collateral damage or consequences.

The butcher’s bill for the mullahs over the years has been long and bloody and it is worth remembering this Memorial Day so the world does not forget the suffering, loss and misery inflicted by them:

    On October 23, 1983, in Beirut, Lebanon, during the Lebanese Civil War, two truck bombs struck separate buildings housing United States and French military forces—members of the Multinational Force in Lebanon (MNF)—killing 241 U.S. and 58 French servicemen, six civilians, under the direction and with the support of the Iranian regime;

    Almost 4,500 U.S. service members were killed in Iraq between 2003 and 2014 with at least 500 U.S. military deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan directly linked to Iran and its support for anti-American militants according the U.S. defense officials;

    On April 23, 2016, the United Nations and Arab League Envoy to Syria put out an estimate of 400,000 people had died so far in the Syrian war, in which Iran has supplied Quds Force, Revolutionary Guard fighters and commanders, as well as supplied Hezbollah troops and Afghan mercenaries equipped with Iranian arms and ammunition;

    According to the United Nations, from March 2015 to March 2016 over 6,500 people have been killed in Yemen, including 3,218 civilians, as part of the civil war being waged by Houthi rebels armed and supplied illicitly by the Iranian regime;

    In March 2016, the UN special rapporteur for human rights in Iran, said in a report to the organization’s Human Rights Council that at least 966 people were put to death in the country in 2015, roughly double the number executed in 2010 and 10 times as many as were executed in 2005. The report noted that executions in Iran were at the highest level since 1989; and

    Iranian dissident groups such as the National Council of Resistance of Iran have documented and chronicled over 2,500 executions since the installation of “moderate” president Hassan Rouhani, with almost near daily executions of men, women and children.

The reach of the regime is long and respects no boundaries. Agents of the regime have participated in bombings and attempted assassinations in places as far away as Argentina and Washington, DC. Its forces inflict suffering by attacking places such as Camp Liberty in Iraq, home of thousands of Iranian dissidents who oppose the mullahs and are targeted by them for that opposition.

The Iranian regime’s leadership is for all intents a purposes a death cult, devoted to an Islamic extremist ideal that has no place in today’s civilized world and should be met by the international community with condemnation and indignation, not negotiations and treaties.

For the families who have loved ones killed by the regime, for the wives, sons and daughters who lost fathers to Iran-supplied IEDs, to the children of Iran who have lost fathers and mothers to the gallows of the mullahs, this Memorial Day should be marked with moments of silence and remembrance for them and their suffering and the hope for a free Iran where these types of memorials will no longer be necessary.

By Michael Tomlinson

۱۳۹۴ دی ۷, دوشنبه

آيا رژيم بطورخودبخودي سرنگون مي شود؟

قسمتي ازسلسله آموزشهاي مسعود رجوي -30دي 1388
براي نسل جوان در داخل كشور- استراتژي قيام  و سرنگوني

آيا رژيم بطورخودبخودي سرنگون مي شود؟
نكته بسيار مهمي از ابتدا تا بحال ما بر روى آن پافشارى كرده ايم، اينست كه نبايد انتظار سرنگونى خودبخودى اين رژيم را داشت.
مي گفتيم: سرنگونى رژيم، يك امر خودبخودى نيست

مــاه کنـعانی من

خاطره اي از حميد اسديان، در رابطه با سي دي
ماه کنعانی من! مسند مصر آن تو شد
وقت آن است که بدرود کنی زندان را
از زندان آزاد شد، همه ما مجاهدین نفسی به‌راحتی کشیدیم. زیرا قطعی شد که در نبرد زندانها با رژیم شاه، آن هم پس از 7سال پرکشاکش و خونین، پیروز شده‌ایم. پایانی پیروزمند که شاه را با همه قدر قدرتی و ساواک را با تمام شکنجه‌گران و تئوریسینهایش در هم شکست. و بی‌جهت نبود که بعدها شاه از آن به‌عنوان بزرگترین اشتباه خود نام برد. در مورد این مسأله گرچه زیاد صحبتی نشده اما برای همه ما، با همان درک آن روزی خودمان، بسیار روشن بود که در صورت چرخیدن اوضاع، مسعود از اولین قربانیانی خواهد بود که توسط ساواک شاه شکار می‌شود. به‌خصوص که قبلاً به‌صراحت گفته‌ بودند که: «اگر هم آزادتان کنیم در بیرون ترورتان خواهیم کرد». راستش من خودم بعد از قضیه کشتار 9زندانی در تپه‌های اوین و شهادت کاظم و مصطفی امید چندانی به ‌زنده ماندن مسعود نداشتم.

۱۳۹۴ دی ۵, شنبه

داستان تاریخی اعدام بابک خرمدین

روز قبل از اعدام، خلیفه با بزرگان دربارش مشورت كرد كه چگونه بابک خرمدین
را در شهر بگرداند و به مردم نشان بدهد تا همه بتوانند وی را ببینند. بنا بر نظر یكی از درباریان قرار برآن شد كه وی را سوار بر پیلی كرده در شهر بگردانند. پیل را با حنا رنگ كردند و نقش و نگار برآن زدند؛ و بابك را در رختی زنانه و بسیار زننده و تحقیركننده برآن نشاندند و در شهر به گردش درآوردند. پس از آن مراسم اعدام بابك با سروصدای بسیار زیاد با حضور شخص خلیفه بر فراز سكوی مخصوصی كه برای این كار در بیرون شهر تهیه شده بود، برگزار شد. برای آنكه همه‌ی مردم 
بشنوند كه اكنون دژخیم به بابك نزدیك می شود و دقایقی دیگر بابك اعدام خواهد شد چندین جارچی در اطراف و اكناف با صدای بلند بانگ میزدند نَوَد نَوَد این اسمِ دژخیم بود و همه او را می شناختند

۱۳۹۴ آذر ۳۰, دوشنبه

30 دى سالردوز آزادى

گرامى باد 30 دى سالروز آزادى آخرين دسته زندانيان سياسى از زندانهاى شاه 
روز 30 دى سال 1357 آخرين دسته زندانيان سياسى از زندانها و شكنجه گاههاى رژيم شاه بدست خلق قهرمان ايران آزاد شدند. مسعود رجوى از جمله اين زندانيان آزاد شده بود. وى ساعاتى قبل از آزادى به عنوان نماينده زندانيان سياسى با هزاران تن از مردمى كه جلوى درب زندان قصر براى آزادى آنان لحظه شمارى ميكردند سخن گفت. 

مگر مي‌شود بهار را از آمدن باز داشت ؟ 
روز 4 بهمن ماه 1357 مسعود رجوي براي اولين بار پس از آزاديش از زندان دردانشگاه تهران حضور يافت و طي يك سخنراني در مسجد دانشگاه تهران كه با تجليل از شهيدان راه آزادي آغاز شد، ضمن ارائهٌ گزارش كوتاهي از 14سال مبارزه و جانفشاني مجاهدين در راه انقلاب و مردم، از‌جمله درباره تهديدها و نگرانيهاي مجاهدين پيرامون توطئه‌هاي ارتجاعي و ضد انقلابي سخنان مهمي ايراد كرد. درزير بخشهايي از اين سخنراني از نظرتان مي‌گذرد:
«وقتي ما رفتيم تنها رفتيم، با چشمهاي بسته ما را بردند ، بردستها و پاها چيزي جز زنجير نبود


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